- Dark mode toggle
- Responsive design
- Easy to customize and extend personal data
- Fuzzy search for blog posts
- SEO friendly (robots.txt, sitemap.xml)
- RSS feed
What's next?
- [ ] Internationalization (i18n)
- [ ] Projects collection
- Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request with your ideas for improving this template
How to use this template
Note: this mini-guide assumes you have `npm` installed on your machine, if you don't, you can download it following the instructions [here](
- Click on the "Use this template" button at the top of the repository.
- Create a new repository based on this template.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Install the dependencies by running `npm install`
- You can now start the development server by running `npm run dev`
- Now you can start customizing the portfolio template by updating the `/data/info.ts` file with your personal information.
Notes about the contact section
If you add/remove something from the contact section in the `info.ts` file, you will need to update the `Contact.tsx` file located in the `src/components/contact_section` directory by simply reflecting the changes you made in the `info.ts` file. Although, this choice may seem redundant, it allows to separate the data from the view.
Notes about RSS feed
The RSS feed is generated using the `astro-plugin-feed` plugin.
To customize it:
- Update the `site` entry in the `astro.config.mjs` file with your site url.
- Modify the `rss.xml.js` file located in the `pages` directory to reflect your site's information.
Notes about SEO
Modify the head section of the `BaseLayout.astro` file located in the `src/layouts` directory to reflect your site's information.
Notes about styles
This portfolio template uses Tailwind CSS for styling. You can modify the colors used in the portfolio by updating the `tailwind.config.js` file located in the root of the project.
Tools Used
This portfolio template uses the following tools/libraries/resources: